1. If it crashes and wont let you get past the "select your villagers" hold the power button and home button for as long as possible yes it will turn off but it will restart then it wont crash 2. To get food you place the bees on the bush but not on the totem the heathens will run away the have all of your village dismantle the totem allvthe noni will become yours 3. To dismantle the rainbow totem place bees on the pond be careful they are not on the totem then the heathens will hide in the water then have all of your villagers dismantle the totem this dismantles it 25% so you will need to do it four times 4. To dismantle the pain totem strike it with lightning this will stop the electricity have all your villagers dismantle the totem the electricity will not stay out for long so you will have to do this many times (careful not to strike your villagers) 5. To dismantle the hollow totem put five kids in it this should break it 6. To dismantle the blocking totem I believe you put a master builder on the pile of supplies then the purple heathen and your villager will have a build off if your villager is not a master the heathen will beat them in the build off this should make you able to dismantle the blocking totem 7. To dismantle the knowledge totem place the bees on the guards not the totem the guards will run away then have all of your villagers dismantle it this may take a few times for it to be fully dismantled Hope it helps ~Toodloodle Poodle